Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Our Christmas Cake: delicious and esay to prepare!

250 g of butter or margarine
3 medium sized eggs
230 g of sugar
60 g of plain chocolate
120 g of walnuts
1 teaspoon of cinnamon
270 g of self-rising wheat flour, or add the appropriate amount of baking powder

Grate the chocolate, chop up the walnuts.
Mix well butter, eggs and sugar. Mix flour with cinnamon and baking powder, and add to the first mixture. Mix well. Add chocolate and walnuts. Use a plumpudding tin or similar for baking (170 °C, 1 h 20 min).

Saturday, December 12, 2009

A Hoglet

We found a hoglet!

The little one crawled towards us on a sunny and cold sunday morning in december. There seemed to be something wrong.
Weighing made it clear: a starving baby without mum, only 98 g, not even having teeth, and not having the strength to roll into the defensive ball completely. Needing help!
Our dog misunderstood the situation: like a dog he invited the baby to play with him.

2 hours later: the little one is warmed, feeded and treated against fleas. While eating the baby already fell asleep, with its head within the feed.

The little one has a name: Eddie the Hedgehog.

Its studio containing dining room and bedroom is ready.